Holiday Everyday

Whole Foods wanted a social campaign that brought food and the holidays together everday. So we did. Literally. Using visual symmetry, we merged everyday holiday moments with Whole Foods products.

Gingerbread cake is music to our ears. #HolidayEveryDay #MakesMeWhole

The best presents are presents you can eat. #HolidayEveryDay #MakesMeWhole

The Holidays: Gifts from Santa. Gifts for Santa. #HolidayEveryDay #MakesMeWhole

The perfect Christmas tree is also known as romanesco. #HolidayEveryDay #MakesMeWhole

Agency: MullenLowe
GCD: Jeff Beberman & Barton Corley
Sr. Art Director : Sean Wright
Sr. Copywriter: Kate Delaney
Production/Director: Stephen McMennamy